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dc.contributor.authorBrug, John F.
dc.descriptionGiven in April 1995 at Chicago, IL for Northern Illinois District LCMS.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this paper Prof. Brug addresses six major issues: Issue 1: The Gospel of Christ Will an objective atonement and objective justification remain the focus of Lutheran preaching? Will Lutherans continue to preach one way to heaven? Issue 2: The Law of God Will Lutherans continue to preach God’s Law as a mirror, curb, and rule? Will God’s Law remain the norm for judging all thoughts, words, and actions? Issue 3: The Inerrancy and Authority of Scripture What effects will the denial of inerrancy in much of world Lutheranism have on the preservation of Lutheran teaching? Can confessional Lutherans ward off the deadly effects of the higher-critical approach to Scripture? Issue 4: Church Fellowship Can confessional Lutherans maintain or regain the biblical principles of church fellowship which are necessary to preserve doctrinal integrity? Issue 5: Church and Ministry Will confessional Lutherans maintain a balanced position which emphasizes both the priesthood of all believers and the called ministry of the Word, established by God? Will they express clearly the distinction between the two? Will confessional Lutherans express clearly the relationship between the pastoral ministry and other forms of ministry? Issue 6: The Roles of Men and Women in the Church Will confessional Lutherans resist the pressures of society and maintain a scriptural belief and practice concerning the roles for men and women which God established at creation?en_US
dc.subjectLaw and Gospelen_US
dc.subjectRoles of Men and Womenen_US
dc.titleCrucial Issues for Lutheranism Todayen_US

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