Now showing items 42-61 of 86

    • The Hermeneutics of the New Perspective on Paul: A Reaction 

      Wendland, Paul O. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2016-09-20)
      This is Paul O. Wendland's reaction to Daniel W. Waldschmidt's "The Hermeneutics of the New Perspective on Paul " for 2016 Symposium on Hermeneutics.
    • I Am Convinced: A Devotional Appropriation of Romans 8 to the Life of the Pastor 

      Paustian, Mark A. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2021-09-20)
      This essay is intended to be a cool gospel drink—and in rich measure! A man rooted in the gospel will bear gospel fruits in his ministry. He must be filled with the confidence of Christ if he is to put his hand to overseeing ...
    • I Believe that I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Pastor Cares for His Body 

      Scharf, Jonathan E. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2021-09-20)
      The church in America is trending neo-gnostic with her spiritualizing tendencies. One often hears Christians relegate the human body to little more than a shell for the soul. The incarnation and the resurrection of Jesus ...
    • An Introduction to and Defense of Apologetics 

      Berg, Michael (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2019-09-16)
      Prof. Berg will define what apologetics is and examine how the apostles and prophets as well as the church fathers presented the truths of God to the people of their day. He will make the case that apologetics is really a ...
    • Jesus Taught The Way of Life — and So Do We 

      Mueller, Aaron T. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2015-09-21)
      With this paper, the author was tasked with the following: Evangelize, baptize, teach: this is the process Jesus calls his people to carry out in their worldwide ministry. This essay focuses on the purpose and value ...
    • The Kingdom(s) and the Power and the Glory: A Biblical and Confessional Perspective on the Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms 

      Koelpin, Paul E. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2023-09-18)
      Americans are accustomed to hearing about a separation between church and state. Lutherans follow Luther’s lead and speak of church and state as two realms with distinct authority, purpose, and purview. This paper will ...
    • Luther and the Saints: The Priesthood of All Believers – A True Treasure of the Lutheran Reformation 

      Zarling, Mark G. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2017-10-03)
      This essay reviews Luther’s teaching about the universal priesthood of all believers and its relationship to the public ministry. The study naturally leads to a review of Luther’s thought on the family and the nobility of ...
    • Luther Taught the Children—and So Do We 

      Prange, Paul T. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2015-09-22)
      Lutherans have a birthright in education, going back to the catechism preparation and instruction of Martin Luther. This essay, prepared for the 2015 WLS Fall Symposium, provides insights into both the latest and the ...
    • Luther's Call to Action: A Consideration of To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation 

      Oakland, Jason D. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2020-09-21)
      In this treatise Luther discusses the relationship of clergy and laity in the Christian church. He points out the artificial walls of superiority that the Catholic Church had created around itself and its clergy to guard ...
    • Martin Luther and the State 

      Braun, Mark E. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2017-10-03)
      This essay demonstrates how Luther’s attitude toward the means of grace made Lutheranism unique for its time in its struggle to keep church and state separate: Since only the gospel can create faith and preserve orthodoxy, ...
    • Martin Luther--God's Voice 

      Wendland, Paul O. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2017-10-02)
      This essay reviews Luther’s ministry as interpreter of the Bible. Topics include: Luther, the university lecturer and cultivator of pastors; Luther the law/gospel preacher; Luther the translator of Scripture; and Luther’s ...
    • Martin Luther–God's Voice: A Reaction 

      Cloute, Justin C. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2017-10-02)
      This is Justin C. Cloute's reaction to Paul O. Wendland's "Martin Luther--God's Voice" for 2017 Symposium on Reformation 500 (Martin Luther).
    • A Paradigm for 21st Century Lutheran Preachers 

      Sievert, Phillip D. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2014-09-23)
      The third essay endeavors to offer a practical pattern for today’s Lutheran pastors on the basis of biblical and Lutheran principles. In doing so, this essay offers insights about gospel preaching in a syncretistic society, ...
    • The Pastor as Church Historian 

      Brauer, Bart (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2013-09-17)
      "The Pastor as Church Historian," authored by Bart Brauer, presents an extensive discussion on the importance of historical awareness and understanding in pastoral ministry, particularly within the context of the Wisconsin ...
    • The Pastor as Dogmatician 

      Seifert, Michael J. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2013-09-16)
      "The Pastor as Dogmatician" by Michael J. Seifert focuses on the role of pastors as proponents and teachers of Christian dogmatics within the Lutheran tradition. Seifert examines the historical and theological development ...
    • The Pastor as Exegete 

      Goetzinger, Harland H. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2013-09-16)
      "The Pastor as Exegete," by Pastor Harland H. Goetzinger, delves into the critical role of pastors in biblical exegesis, emphasizing the significance of hermeneutics and exegetical theology in pastoral training. Goetzinger ...
    • A Reaction to Dr. Michael Berg’s “An Introduction to and Defense of Apologetics” 

      Brenner, John M. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2016-09-16)
      This is John M. Brenner's reaction to Michael Berg's "An Introduction to and Defense of Apologetics" for 2019 Symposium on Christian Apologetics.
    • A Reaction to Exiled Insiders: our Sempiternal, Subversive, Submissive Life in Two Kingdoms Ruled by One Crucified King, by Jonathan P. Bauer 

      Sorum, E. Allen (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2023-09-19)
      This is E. Allen Sorum's reaction to Jonathan P. Bauer's "Exiled Insiders: Our Sempiternal, Subversive, Submissive Life in Two Kingdoms Ruled by One Crucified King" for 2023 Symposium on the Two Kingdoms.
    • A Reaction to Mark Braun’s “What Our Father Taught Us about Lutheran Schools” 

      Brenner, John M. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2011-09-19)
      This is John M. Brenner's reaction to Mark E. Braun's "What Our Fathers Taught Us about Lutheran Schools" for 2011 Symposium on Lutheran Schools.
    • A Reaction to Pastor Andrew Bauer’s Essay: “An Evaluation of Modern Evangelical Preaching” 

      Zell, Paul E. (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2014-09-22)
      This is Paul E. Zell's reaction to Andrew P. Bauer's "An Evaluation of Modern Evangelical Preaching" for 2014 Symposium on Preaching.