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dc.contributor.authorNatsis, Jared
dc.descriptionSenior thesisen_US
dc.description.abstractLinguistics, the study of how language works, is a field of study closely related to biblical scholarship and exegesis. Advances in linguistics have benefited WELS pastors and their exegesis, but in a largely indirect way. For the most part, engaging directly with modern linguistic study is reserved for those who are perceived as language specialists. This essay seeks to demonstrate that linguistics is a beneficial field of intentional study for exegetes of any level. After a brief introduction of linguistics in general, the essay demonstrates the value of linguistics by way of a complete semantic treatment of the Hebrew word נחם , resulting in a dictionary definition that was submitted to the work-in-progress Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew.en_US
dc.subjectLinguistics The Value of Linguistics for Exegesis: A Demonstration of Lexical Semantics and the Hebrewen_US
dc.subjectHebrew word נחםen_US
dc.titleThe Value of Linguistics for Exegesis: A Demonstration of Lexical Semantics and the Hebrew נחם

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