Now showing items 11-20 of 48
Proclaiming the Gospel in Worship
Strey discusses the proclamation of the gospel in our worship and our music. He compares the liturgy and the “praise service,” and discusses the possibility of “lutheranizing” the latter. He examines the use of symbolism ...
An Overview of Hermeneutics in the 21st Century
President Wendland walks through the issues related to interpretation of Scripture with the post-modern worldview so prevalent in this 21st century. He strongly makes that case that a “Lutheran” hermeneutic might be a ...
Formal and Functional Equivalence in Bible Translation
President Wendland takes a close look at two schools of thought in Bible translation work today: formal equivalence and functional equivalence. However, President Wendland does not state a preference between these two ...
Common Law Marriage—Fact and Fiction
Schuetze points out in this essay that the key factor in what is known as “common law marriage” is not time of co-habitation, but, as in any marriage: present, public consent.
People Skills
The best way to improve people skills is a thorough knowledge of the Bible. The one who studies the Bible will see himself correctly (saint and sinner) and will have proper motivation and models for interacting with others.
The Wauwatosa Spring III: The Flowering of the Historical Disciplines at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Pastor Prange brings a new look to the historical period of time that may have been the “golden age” of exegetical thought and development within the Wisconsin Synod. Here is a highlight that captures the spirit of the ...
Doctrinal Brief: Part-Time Pastors
Dr. Brug discusses part-time pastoral calls, specifically retirement calls and tent ministries. While recognizing that some congregations may have good reasons for being unable to support a full-time pastor, this should ...
The One Great Sin
Our College Pastoral Training Curriculum: A Channel of Blessings from Our God
Prof. Fredrich provides a thorough description and explanation of the curriculum for the Studies in Pastoral Ministry program at Martin Luther College.