Browsing Essay File by Title
Now showing items 3238-3257 of 4143
The Satis Est in Article VII of the Augsburg Confession
(1985)What does it mean when the Augsburg Confession states, “For the true unity of the church it is enough to agree concerning the doctrine of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments?” Schuetze examines two implications ... -
Satze uber Synode, Kirchenzucht und Synodalzucht, gedruckt auf BeschluB der allegmeinen Pastoralkonferenz der Synode von Wisconsin und den Gliedern derselben vorgelegt von August F. Ernst
(1911)August Friedrich Ernst (1841–1924) served as president of Northwestern College in Watertown Wisconsin (1870–1919). He also served as the president of the Federation of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Other States ... -
Saving Souls or Stealing Sheep: An Inquiry
(1987)Evangelizing to members of other Christian Church bodies—is it something Wisconsin Synod congregations should be practicing? Ken Cherney weighs the scriptural principals that apply to both sides of this question. He examines ... -
The Saving Waters
(1986) -
The Saxons in East-Central Wisconsin
(1982) -
Say Now Shibboleth!
(0000) -
Science and the Truth of Nature
(0000) -
Scientific Dating
(1980) -
A Scriptural and Historical Survey of the Doctrine of the Antichrist
(1998)Even after a brief examination of passages from 1 John 2; 2 Thessalonians 2; Revelation 13,17; Daniel 7, 8, one must come to the conclusion that the Antichrist must reside in Rome and come from within the Church. The ... -
The Scriptural Basis and Historical Development of the WELS Doctrine of Ministry
(1992)Professor Fredrich briefly reviews the biblical basis and the historical development of our doctrine of ministry. -
Scriptural Implications of the Cup