Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • An Excerpt from "Chapter 2": Questions in the First 21 Chapters of Genesis 

      Doerr, Christopher S.; Hunnius, Aegidius (1998)
      A translation of Aegidius Hunnius’ 1604 work which follows a question and answer format about questions pertaining to the creation of woman. The questions include: Why was Eve taken out of Adam’s side? Does “leave his ...
    • Polygamy and the Patriarchs 

      Kessel, William B. (1998)
      William Kessel addresses the issue of the polygamy found in the Old Testament by giving a short history of opinions on the subject starting with many of the church fathers and the reformers. He wrestles with the Scriptures ...
    • What IS the Teaching of the Bible on Polygamy? 

      Russow, William H. (1981)
      Russow establishes the biblical teaching of monogamy and highlights the facts that all the examples of polygamy in the Bible demonstrate the problems polygamy brings into God’s intentions for marriage.