Browsing Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary by Title
Now showing items 5947-5966 of 7420
Proposition: Public Sin Demands a Public Response! A Discussion of the Proper Response to Public Sin
(1989)Scherbarth defines what public sin is, then discusses several biblical examples of public sin and the response of God’s people to such sin. He asserts that from the testimony of Scripture we can see that the loving response ... -
(1979) -
Proselytizing and Stealing Sheep: Historical Lutheranism's Perspective on Evangelizing the Heterodox
(2020)Is it acceptable to evangelize those who are already Christians? Such a question has likely come into the mind of many pastors who have looked to do evangelism but noticed that many of those around them are not unchurched. ... -
Protecting Children from the Dangers of Pornography: Guidance for Twenty-First Century Parents
(2015)Despite the ever increasing availability of pornography to young people in today’s culture, little has been done to equip parents to educate their children about the dangers pornography presents. Scripture compels parents ... -
Protecting the Children: The Need for Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Churches to Enact Sexual Misconduct Policies
(Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2021-02-19)The churches of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod demonstrate care for children in many aspects of their ministry. Yet, many churches overlook important steps in protecting the children, especially from sexual abuse ... -
The Protes'tant Controversy
(1984) -
The Protes’tant Controversy: Long-Lasting Reverberations of the Beitz Paper in the Dakota-Montana District
(Dakota-Montana District Pastors' Conference, 2014-04-29)This work explores how the Beitz conference paper—delivered in Schofield, Wisconsin in 1926— ultimately affected the Dakota-Montana District of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod decades later. The first half of the ... -
The Protéstant Conference Today
(1982) -
Psalm 16 – An Exegesis
(1991) -
Psalm 19:1-11: The Glory of God is Revealed
(2000)Psalm 19 is a song of praise in which David praises God for his glory and majesty. In this Psalm we are shown that God reveals his glory in his creation, in his Word, and in the believer’s life. Doebler offers a careful ... -
Public Ministry--Private Lives?
(1998) -
Purpose-Filled Friendship: Exploring the Gospel's Effect on Friendship Itself and What it Truly Means to be a Friend
(2020)God said in the garden of Eden that is not good for man to be alone. He gave us the gift of human relationships so that we could encourage each other, guide each other, and show love to each other. This thesis seeks ... -
Pursuing Godliness: Thinking and Talking Theologically About Funding
(2007)Geoffrey Kieta explains his purpose in writing this essay, “The time is rapidly approaching in which we will have to make some hard decisions and trust our God to do what is best for his people and the preaching of the ... -
Putting the Reality in Virtual Reality: A Look at the Viability of Virtual Reality for Applications in Ministry
(Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2021-02-19)The Christian church has always wrestled with the idea of how best to convey the gospel through media. At this time, virtual reality (VR) is a new frontier of digital communication. Can the church benefit from adopting ...