Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 7450
1 Corinthians 14:1-25
(1983) -
1 Corinthians 15:12-28
(2002) -
1 Timothy
(1975)How does one go about preparing a commentary for students who have a limited knowledge of Greek? This is a question which needs to be answered in situations where Seminary students do not have many years of Greek study ... -
The 11th Article of the Augsburg Confession
(2009)Goesswein argues for the continuing practice of private confession, not for form’s sake or to satisfy a legalistic “necessity,” but for the sake of consciences burdened by sin. -
1957 - 1959 WELS Exploratory NorCal Work Correspondence
(1959)This is a collection of 9 letters sent by various pastors in the Arizona-California District to members in the San Francisco Bay Area. They were corresponds from 1957-1959 regarding the requests for a missionary from the ... -
The 1990's - New Trends In Education
(1991)Dr. Wendler discusses the following topics regarding his outlook on education in the 1990’s and the 21st century: societal trends; criticisms, both general and specific, of American education; and educational trends. ...