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Now showing items 1174-1193 of 7419
Edification and Education as Primary Concerns of Worship Rites in the Lutheran Confessions
(2013)In recent years, “worship wars” have erupted in the Lutheran church. Different opinions concerning public worship have been advanced, varying principles have been cited, and papers, essays, and blog posts have been lobbed ... -
Educating Pastors to Protect them against Pornography Usage in the Current Age
(2017)Despite the widespread access to pornography and the amount of pastors who have become addicted to pornography, little has been done to prepare the pastor to deal with his own pornography problems. Scripture urges pastors ... -
Educating with the Brain in Mind: The Use of Popular Culture in Bible Class
(2016)One of the most challenging aspects of a pastor’s ministry is teaching people the truth of God’s Word. This may sound easy, but any pastor knows that communicating the truth of Scripture in a way that people grab hold of ... -
Educational Debt at MLC: A Historic Look to Raise Awareness and Help Guide Future Discussions
(Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2021-02-19)Educational debt is now a burden that the majority of students who have graduated from Martin Luther College are going into the ministry burdened with. Students are seeing record-high amounts of educational debt that they ... -
The Effect of Multigenerational Families on Worship, Education, and Outreach in Hispanic Ministry
(2014)Hispanic ministry is not a new topic. Our synod recognizes the need to reach a growing demographic in our country, and it has for decades. However, as this demographic has been growing in our country for several decades, ... -
Effectively Using the Multiple Roles of the Missionary
(2016)This thesis investigates the proper use of the various roles of the missionary. These roles are the missionary as pastor and the missionary as mentor. Used appropriately, the missionary can proceed with his goal of ... -
Effects Of Divorce On Children
(1986)This WLCFS document briefly addresses the effects of divorce on children from all age groups, and through a brief case study, demonstrates the effects it can have on these children when they become adults. -
(2013)The objective of this paper is to inform the reader about the unique challenges that children of divorced parents face. This paper will focus on the evolution of marriage from the 17th century to present day and how this ...